This page allows you to register your purchased software product licenses on your computers. It also allows you to review and manage your registrations. Since 2023, it is required that all locally installable application software products use this online registration form to register passwords, as explained in this FAQ.
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Why Register
The online registration system was developed for a more consistent and secure area for the management of your license keys.
Registration of locally installable application software can now only be done via a secure connection using this web site. Direct registration of both evaluation software copies and purchased password keys are now disabled in locally installable application software for improved security and privacy, as explained in this article.
The license for locally installable application software has one of the more liberal license policies in the software industry. Any registered user (i.e. individual person) may use a single user password and license to register and use a software product on up to three (3) different personal computers owned by that registered user (see the license agreement that comes with the software for details). This type of license allows users to legitimately install software where it would be most needed under normal circumstances, such as at work, at home and on a notebook computer, without the expense of having to buy a separate license for each computer. However, some abuse of this system has been noted over the years and this license system is the current means to address this issue.
The current selected registration system is intended to make the registration process as simple and trouble free as possible for most users while retaining all existing user license benefits. It also allows end users to take control of their registrations and will enable users to make allowed and appropriate software transfers between computers on an as need basis.
It is not the intent of the registration system to masterly outwit those wishing to criminally disable or circumvent software licenses or use restrictions. Hackers will do so regardless of inbuilt security features. Since the locally installable application software from this site is only of use as a source of data output for research, such individual's unauthorized use will ultimately be made transparent and defeated at publication.
It is the intent of the online registration system to make more transparent the inherent expectations for users of locally installable application software in regards to their rights and options with the evaluation and registration of software.